Category: News

Secrets of the EMI Archive – 1

‘Nipper Runs Amok’ By David Hughes MBE – Trustee of EMI Archive Trust. Archives and secrets go together, and the EMI archive is no exception. Archives are not visitor attractions; they are not laid out beautifully in lovely display cabinets. The key words are preservation and safety.  Initially, presumably, for good business practice, The Gramophone… Read more »

Review of Gauhar Jaan – The Datia Incident

Gauhar Jaan – The Datia Incident is a historical re-imagining of a key part in the remarkable story of India’s first recording artist. It follows young American recording engineer Fred Gaisberg (Jordon Kemp) journey to India to record Gauhar Jaan (Sheetal Kapoor) acclaimed voice for the British Gramophone Company. On his journey, he is told… Read more »

Gauhar Jaan Exhibition and Play at the Omnibus Theatre

Throughout April, the Omnibus Theatre in Clapham will be hosting a play and exhibition revolving around the remarkable story of India’s first recording artist, supported by The EMI Archive Trust, The British Library and The Arts Council England. Mukul & Ghetto Tigers, an East London theatre company present Gauhar Jaan – The Datia Incident. A tale interwoven with… Read more »

Inventor of Stereo Sound Alan Dower Blumlein’s World- Changing 1931 Patent Celebrated as Part of the UK Government’s ‘GREAT for Imagination’ Campaign

LONDON, February 8, 2018 – Universal Music is proud to announce that pioneering EMI engineer Alan Dower Blumlein’s ground-breaking invention of stereo sound is being celebrated as part of a major campaign launched by the UK government, marking the 400th anniversary of the grant of British patent number one. The campaign, titled ‘GREAT for Imagination’,… Read more »

Chair Caryn Tomlinson – Women In Music Roll Of Honour 2017

Our very hard working chair of the EMI Archive Trust is the highly regarded and experienced music industry executive Ms Caryn Tomlinson who balances ensuring the Trust continues its excellent work with her day job as senior vice president, Communications at Universal Music, the Trust’s corporate patron. Caryn’s passion for and dedication to the Trust… Read more »

Family and VIPs Join Together to Celebrate Alan D Blumlein

The heirs of prolific 20th century British inventor, Alan Dower Blumlein, gathered in the Stranger’s Dining Room at the House of Commons on Monday October 23, 2017 to celebrate his posthumous Grammy for the invention of stereo recording. The innovative brain behind airborne radar, stereo recording and the television camera, Blumlein lost his life in… Read more »